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  • CERA's 2nd Friday, March 14, 2025 Zoom Presentation: Charles Bogart: Canadian Radial Lines

CERA's 2nd Friday, March 14, 2025 Zoom Presentation: Charles Bogart: Canadian Radial Lines

  • Friday, March 14, 2025
  • 7:00 PM
  • Virtual zoom: Tiny URL: https://tinyurl.com/CERAthe2ndFriday Meeting ID 814 9251 7167 Passcode 880028

CERA’s March Zoom Programs

Friday, March 14, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. CT

Zoom Presentation


Easy Link to Zoom

Meeting Number 814 9251 7167  Passcode  880028

Charles Bogart

Canadian Radial Lines

The interurban craze also impacted Canada, but in Canada, interurban lines were called RADIAL LINES. A total of 25 Radial Line companies operated some 856 miles of track.

The majority of this track being in the Providence of Ontario, but Radial Lines were
found in Canada from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The first Radial Line
opened in 1887, and the last Radial Line lowered its pantographs in 1959. It is
estimated that some $32,000,000 Canadian was invested in these Radial Lines.
Interestingly, the last radial car was built in 1947. The presentation will look at each of
these Canadian Radial Lines.

A number of Radial Line cars have been saved by various Canadian transportation
museums and thus can still be ridden by those who appreciate traction motor powered
rail cars.

We will also have a short newscast preceding the regular program.

This program is open to all CERA members and guests. Mark this date on your calendar!

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