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CERA Board of Directors Information 

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2025 Board of Directors

  • Andy Sunderland - President
  • John Nicholson – Vice President
  • Jon Asplund 
  • Dan Kelly – Comptroller
  • Raymond DeGroote - Treasurer 
  • John Anderson
  • Vacancy


List of past Boards of Directors

For each year we have shown the names of the members who have served as directors, with the longest serving member listed first, and the newest last. An asterisk besides the name indicates that the director served only part of the year.

We discontinued the practice of listing historic Baord members in 2016

Note: Until January 1974, the election of directors was held in November, with those elected taking office in December. Beginning in 1974, the election was held in January, with the those elected taking office in February. For the purpose of this chart, a member elected in November and taking office in December is shown as a director in the year following the election. Likewise, beginning in 1974, a director whose term expired in January of any year and who was not re-elected, is shown as being a director through the previous year only.

Year Directors

Butts, Anderson (W), Rogers, Krambles, Stone

1942 Anderson (W), Rogers, Krambles, Stone, Brady (photo)
1943 Krambles, Stone, Brady, Brown, Anderson (R.J.)
1944 Krambles, Brady, Brown, Anderson (R.J.)*, Strodtz, Kawol
1945 Krambles, Brady, Brown, Strodtz, Kawol
1946 Krambles, Kawol, Smith, Cox, Neuburger
1947 Krambles, Kawol, Smith, Cox, Neuburger
1948 Krambles, Kawol, Smith, Cox, Neuburger
1949 Krambles, Stone, Kawol, Smith, Cox, Newburger, Humiston
1950 Krambles, Stone, Kawol, Smith, Cox, Newburger, Humiston
1951 Krambles, Anderson (R.J.), Kawol, Smith, Cox, Humiston, Buckley
1952 Krambles, Anderson (R.J.), Kawol, Cox, Buckley, Simms, Janssen
1953 Anderson (R.J.), Kawol, Cox, Simms, Janssen, DeGroote, Hansen (R)
1954 Anderson (R.J.), Kawol, Neuburger, Simms, Janssen, DeGroote, Williams
1955 Anderson (R.J.), Kawol, Neuburger, DeGroote, Williams, Hefner, Hoffman
1956 Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Williams, Hefner, Hoffman, Canfield, Misek,
1957 Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Hefner, Hoffman, Canfield, Misek, Able*, Desnoyers*
1958 Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Misek, Able*, Desnoyers*, Price, Zink
1959 Krambles, Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Able*, Desnoyers*, Price, Zink
1960 Krambles, Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Price, Zink, Spengler
1961 Krambles, Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Zink, Spengler*, Lindgren, Benedict
1962 Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Zink, Lindgren, Benedict, Greeley
1963 Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Zink, Lindgren, Benedict, Greeley
1964 Anderson (R.J.), DeGroote, Canfield, Zink, Lindgren, Benedict, Greeley*, Kopriva
1965 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Zink, Lindgren, Kopriva, Thompson, Wagner
1966 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Zink, Lindgren, Kopriva, Thompson, Wagner
1967 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Kopriva, Thompson*, Wagner, Johnson, Stella
1968 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Kopriva*, Wagner, Johnson, Stella, Kunz
1969 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Wagner, Johnson, Sella, Begley, VanWissink
1970 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Wagner, Begley, VanWissink, Keevil, Scalzo
1971 Anderson (R.J.), Canfield, Begley, VanWissink*, Keevil, Scalzo, Dutkiewicz*
1972 Canfield, Kunz, Begley, Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Tauscher,
1973 Canfield, Benedict, Kunz, Begley, Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Tauscher, Phillips
1974 Canfield, Spengler, Benedict, Begley, Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Lind
1975 Benedict, Begley*, Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Schill, Hansen, McCorquodale,* Koschwanez*
1976 Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Schill, Hansen, MaCorquodale, Koschwanez, Adler, Mueller
1977 Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Schill, Hansen, MacCorquodale, Adler, Mueller
1978 Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Schill, MacCorquodale, Mueller, Petzold, Lonnes, Knutel
1979 Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Schill, MacCorquodale, Mueller, Petzold, Lonnes, Knutel
1980 Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, Schill, MacCorquodale, Mueller, Petzold, Lonnes, Moore
1981 Keevil, Scalzo, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Mueller, Petzold, Lonnes, Moore, Bregger
1982 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Moore, Bregger, Cioffi, Plazzotta
1983 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Bregger, Cioffi, Plazzotta, Peterson*
1984 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Cioffi, Plazzotta, Moffat, Nettis*
1985 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Cioffi, Plazzotta, Moffat, Nettis
1986 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Cioffi, Plazzotta, Moffat, Nettis
1987 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Cioffi, Plazzotta, Moffat, Nettis
1988 Keevil, Carlson, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Cioffi, Moffat, Nettis, Wien
1989 Keevil, MacCorquodale, Petzold, Lonnes, Cioffi, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin
1990 Keevil, MacCorquodale, Lonnes, Cioffi, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Reynolds, Sadowski
1991 Keevil, MacCorquodale, Lonnes, Cioffi, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Reynolds, Sadowski
1992 Keevil, Lonnes, Cioffi, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Reynolds, Sadowski, Wilson
1993 Keevil, Lonnes, Cioffi, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Reynolds, Wilson
1994 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Reynolds, Wilson, Arvites
1995 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Reynolds, Arvites, Collins
1996 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Collins, Aaron, Scheuerle
1997 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Collins, Aaron, Scheuerle
1998 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Shaptokin, Aaron, Scheuerle, Joseph
1999 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Aaron, Scheuerle, Joseph, Blommaert
2000 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Aaron, Scheuerle, Joseph, Blommaert
2001 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Aaron, Scheuerle, Joseph, Blommaert
2002 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Scheuerle, Joseph, Garfield
2003 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Nettis, Wien, Scheuerle, Joseph, Garfield, McClendon
2004 Keevil, Lonnes, Moffat, Wien, Scheuerle, Joseph, Garfield, McClendon, Colson
2005 Keevil, Moffat, Wien, Joseph, Garfield, McClendon, Colson, Reuter, Willer
2006 Keevil, Moffat, Wien, Joseph, Garfield, McClendon, Colson, Reuter, Willer
2007 Keevil, Moffat, Wien, Joseph, Garfield, McClendon, Reuter, Coppoletta
2008 Colson, Coppoletta, Garfield, Joseph, Keevil, McClendon, Moffat, Reuter, Wien, Willer
2009 Buck, Coppoletta, Garfield, Joseph, Keevil, Marton, McClendon, Moffat, Reuter, Walbrun
2010 Buck, Coppoletta, Criss, Garfield, Garman, Marton, Reuter, Walbrun, Wien
2011 Buck, Coppoletta, Criss, Kerman, Marton, Reuter, Reynolds, Walbrun, Wien
2012 Anderson, Coppoletta, Criss, Marton, Reuter, Reynolds, Walbrun, Wien
2013 Marton, Nicholson, Reuter, Reynolds, Sadowski, Walbrun, Wien

Davis, Marton, Nicholson, Reuter, Reynolds, Sadowski, Walbrun, Wien


Davis, Marcus, Reuter, Reynolds, Sunderland, Wien


Davis, Marcus, Nicholson, Reuter, Reynolds, Sunderland, Wien

2017 Sunderland, Davis, Nicholson, Reuter, Reynolds, Wien, Marcus
2018 Sunderland, Zucker, Lehman, Reuter, Reynolds, Nicholson, Marcus
2019 Sunderland, Zucker, Lehman, Reuter, Reynolds, DeGroote, Kelly
 2020 Nicholson, Renyolds, Lehman, Zucker, DeGroote, Kelly,
 2021Nicholson, Renyolds, Sunderland, DeGroote, Kelly, Zucker, Graziano
 2022 Nicholson, Renyolds, Sunderland, Zucker, Graziano, DeGroote, Kelly
 2023Sunderland, Zucker, DeGroote, Kelly, Graziano, Asplund, Anderson

Sunderland, DeGroote, Kelly, Asplund, Anderson,McClendon,Nicholson

 2025Sunderland, Nicholson, DeGroote, Kelly, Anderson, Asplund 

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Central Electric Railfans' Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 503, Chicago, IL  60690

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